Clause IV (from 7 clauses) 1918-1960 |
Clause IV (current) 1995-2021 |
OBJECTS (original Labour Party Constitution)
1. To organise and maintain in parliament and in the country a political
Labour Party 2. To cooperate with the General Council of the Trades Union Congress, or other kindred organisations, in joint political or other action in harmony with the party constitution and standing orders.
3. To give effect as far as possible to the principles from time to time
approved by the party conference.
4. To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of
their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be
possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of
production, distribution, and exchange, and the best obtainable system
of popular administration and control of each industry or service. 5. Generally to promote the political, social and economic emancipation of the people, and more particularly of those who depend directly upon their own exertions by hand or by brain for the means of life. POST 1918 AMENDMENTS Commonwealth (Gaitskell amendment in 1960)
6. To cooperate with labour and socialist organisations in the
commonwealth overseas with a view to promoting the purposes of the party
and to take common action
for the promotion of a higher standard of social and economic life for
the working population of the respective countries.
International (Gaitskell amendment in 1960)
7. To cooperate with the labour and socialist organisations in other
countries and to support the United Nations and its various agencies and other
international organisations for the promotion of peace, the adjustment
and settlement of international disputes by conciliation or judicial
arbitration, the establishment and defence of human rights, and the
improvement of the social and economic standards and conditions of work
of the people of the world.
272 words
Above is
the context of Clause IV
of the Labour Party Constitution, as originally drafted in 1918 and
subsequently updated with 2 more clauses Source: (since lapsed) plus open sourced. |
AIMS & VALUES (current Party Constitution)
1. The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by
the strength of our common endeavour, we achieve more than we achieve
alone so as to create for each of us the
means to realise our true potential
and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many
not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe,
and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance
and respect.
2. To these ends we work for:
oldclausefour.htm (Labourcounts original homepage)